Thursday, December 31, 2009
1500 HITS
Warm Winter Cowl
Well, over the years I have mastered hats and scarves, and I finally, about a week ago, decided to attempt the ever elusive cowl...boy was it easy.
I used a single strand of Homespun in Montana Sky (I am addicted to Homespun, especially blue tones...mmmmmmmm...) and my yellow 41 peg KK loom. If you were making this for a child or petite teen you could use the green loom.
I made mine large so that I can have it hang around my neck as a scarf (sort of)...
or I could pull it up as a hood.
Some prefer it just as a scarf, in that case, I'd suggest 1 size small of a loom, Adults would want to use the green loom with 36 pegs, and child-teen sizes would use the red loom. If you are making this for a small child, I would still use the red loom, as the blue freaks me out, it is SO tiny...
Anyways, back to directions...
E-wrap the loom, and knit off in the round until your cowl measures 2 ft (for hood style) or about 1 ft for short style. Then bind off with stretchy bind off. (found here, or here)
I really hope you enjoy this, and I hope that you find lots of warmth in this project. I have found that the cowl is easier to work in, as there are not long tails of the scarf to dangle and get caught in things. (I am making one for my mum, she works with furniture, and it would end badly if she got caught on a dresser by the neck.)
Peace Out!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Found a UFO, now to convert it to an FO
We started it last Feb. I am going to add one more column of mixed colors, and send it off to a teen mother in need. This blanket is very wamr and soft. would be a good play mat if not used for a blanket.
Here it is!
I used the yellow long KK and knitted about 3 ft, I wasn't too terribly picky on exact stitch counts. I am adding a black boarder to tie in the colors, then sending it off. I know it isn't pastels, but bright colors and contrast can be fun too.
Newest Idle Project
Here is my design. the colors are going to be changed, this is just a template.

I will update you on my progress. and I hope that I can finish the first one by Easter, I am hoping to donate it to the FAN (Family Access Network) to go to a teen parent in need.
Yes, this is along with all of my other goals.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
So...Boxing Day!
So now, for my goals before the 1st! I want to have my house clean and organized to start out the new year.
Here are the steps I am taking.
Hubby didn't have to work tonight, so we started our list tonight.
1. Fix the dryer so I have access to my back door again.--Done
2. Organize my yarn into boxes and put on shelves in the back section of the garage (my fiber work studio)
3. Claim back my work table in the garage (beading and decoupage)
4. Put all completed projects into plastic totes for storage until they are sold online or taken to craft shows--Done
5. Set up book case in office with ALL of my books and binders--Done
6. Organize rat accessories and new cage onto new stand in Office--Almost Done
7. Set up reading corner for office
8. Clear out old clothes into boxes for Goodwill and Homeless shelters
9. Build padded bench out of old coffee table for extra seating
10. Shampoo carpets-- Done
11. Mop kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors--Done
12. Catch up on ALL laundry and Dishes--Done
13. catch up on our bills so that we can get ahead with our financial aid for school.--Done
14. clean out all old food from fridge so that we can get a full pantry when we go shopping the beginning of the next month.--Done
15. Move Large work desk into office to replace the very small desk I currently have in there.
After the 1st of the year, I will be replacing hubby's desk with one like mine, they will come to meet in the middle of the back wall in the office, I can put a slab of decorative wood or marble (imitation) between the ends to make a solid piece, so we can share the printer.
As for Holiday gifts, I should have taken pictures before I gave them, but I was silly and wrapped them before I took pics, and then forgot the camera on Christmas.
Aunt Holly= Blue/gray homespun long cowl (loom knit)
Aunt Robin= Red/burgundy rib stitch hat (loom knit)
Mom-in-law Sandy= Denim scarf (loom knit)
Cousin Haley= Blue block scarf (loom knit)
Cousin Jenni= Purple block scarf (loom knit)
Cousin Kindle= Green and White scarf (crochet)
Cousin Skyler= Camo and black hat (loom knit)
Cousin Robert= Blue and gray hat (loom knit)
Cousin John= Back and blue hat (loom knit)
Cousin Stephen= Blue multi-colored hat (loom knit)
Cousin Gabe= Red and black hat (loom knit)
2nd Cousin Noah= Blue and orange hat (loom knit)
Sister Shelly= Blue black and turquoise scarf (crochet)
Sister Shadow= Blue and brown hat (loom knit)
Mom Rita= white and pastel scarf (loom knit), painting (acrylic on cotton fabric framed with embroidery hoop) fuzzy socks (store bought)
Niece Brooklin= twin size blanket in black and blue with white polka-dots (sewn)
Nephew's girlfriend Haily= blue and turquoise scarf (crochet)
Still need to make (late gifts)
Cousin Jamie= blue scarf (crochet)
2nd Cousin Jacob= blue and black striped hat (loom knit)
2nd cousin Josh= turqoise and black striped hat (loom knit)
Cousin KaSondra= scarf in pink and black (crochet)
Dad Ken= Orange and camo hat (loom knit)
As for me... for Christmas I got:
The Harry Potter box set with the first 5 movies, Fuzzy snowflake pajamas, and leather slippers lined with fuzzies from Hubby.
A plug in griddle from Mom and Dad
A TON of bead from my sister Shelly.
The rest of the family donated to charity or cooked for the holidays.
I had a very good holiday, and I hope that everyone else did too!
Now maybe as I finish my to do list regarding crafts, I'll remember to post pics. until I get them finished... Have a great night.
Also, I am making a cowl for myself. I gave away all my warm scarves and cowls for Christmas gifts. Hmm... yay...more crafting for me!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Some projects finished!
Brooklin's Christmas Blanket. I had been working on this for almost ayear for myself, finished it and decided to gift it!
Here is a hand knit bulky scarf in some of the SOFTEST yarn I have found. It is for my cousin-in-law, Haley. She loves Blue.
This one is going to my friend Tiffany. The colors just reminded me of her fun style, so When I finished it, I wore it a few times, and decided that it fit her better.
Do you remember the secret Santa family I adopted with my in-laws?
This is what I made them (silly me, I forgot to take picks before I wrapped everything...)
In each of the large boxes is a coloring book and a handmade fleece tie blanket. In each small box is a fairy doll for the two oldest girls (Jazmyn,8 and Lida, 5). In each stocking, there is a handmade hat/scarf set, a box of crayons, Lifesavers "Santa's Book" package, 2 snowman marshmallows, a pencil, a candy cane, and in the littlest girls Pink stocking there is a bunny rabbit (youngest is 2)
Wish I had taken pics before I wrapped it all and gave it to Holly to take to the family. But now I have the rest of my WIP list to work through! I really wish I had more hands...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Not really crafty, but helpful
Last night I built a website for my brain child of a business. Hopefully it will be a good start. Hopefully I have something here and can eventually make it a real live physical store! not just an online one.
So here it is, without further ado... Lilypad Little Ones!
In other news, I figured out my families debt...down to the last penny, and I am shocked at how much we have accumulated through school, medical emergencies, car breaking down...over and over again, and reckless spending!
And to counter it, I plotted a budget, one that allows me to put a little into saving for emergencies and still slowly but surely pay off all my debts along side of the monthly bills that come every month regardless of how much I pay them. With any luck, or any prayer, We will be able to save up enough in our account to take a REAL honeymoon in 2011. and buy new furniture, and maybe even get a decent car. or two (right now I have to drive hubby to work very night.)
Also, in potentially good news: might be getting a new part time job to buffer the state pay I am getting in school. Hubby took my resume to his boss last night (I would have done it but it's a bar and I'm not old enough) And with it, I attached a copy of the Oregon Liquor Control Commissions rules on employing minors, as well as the regulation on allowing minor patrols if they are with a spouse of age.
In addition to these advancements to my financial well-being, I have started using household scraps much more frugally to save money in the places I can so that I can buy quality products for my shop where I can't afford to skimp. Also, I have added more products to my Etsy Store. You can click on the pictures to the left of this post to link to the store.
And with that, I must head to bed. My head is pounding from all the accounting thinking.
Peace Out!
Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Craft fair sucks, but Etsy took off!
The first hat and scarf set is made with Redheart White Fiesta and a blue/purple variegated. I am almost done with the scarf, the hat is already done.
The second is turquoise and lavender, and the second will be lavender and tan. The hats for each set are already done.
I'll post pictures as soon as they are finished.
Also, I was "Sneak Attack"ed by Winemakerssister on my Etsy store, every two days (or so) the HandmadeMovement does a sneak attack on an Etsy store with few or no sales. When they host an attack, several people (those who read the blog regularly) got at a designated time and purchase as many ro as few items as they want from the chosen stores. This causes a very exciting sales rush for the this case me. This could not have come at a better time. I was about to loose my water, propane, and electric this week, I could pay one other the other, but not all. The sales this week on my Etsy shop have allowed me to pay them all. This was a great thing to happen, and now I want to share to help other store owners like myself. So please, go check out th HandmadeMovement and be a part of something great.
Also, due to the huge number of sales (10 in under 2 hours) I have had to restock my store, so go check out all the new stuff...I put up nearly 15 new stitch markers, and in the next few days, I'll be putting up some of my jewelry and knitwear.
In Skein Designs (this is my Etsy store!)
Hope you have a great week!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Today is the start of a new...adventure!
I learned about the fair about 3 days ago, and ahve not slept for lack of time to finish, I even got my husband in on the crafty fun!
I'll post pics and tell you how I did for my very first craft fair. If you are in the area of Central Oregon this weekend, make sure to stop by! Terrebonne Grange Hall, 9-4 Thursday - Saturday
Monday, November 30, 2009
My take on the Alice Cullen wrist warmers
These are my version on the Alice Cullen wrist warmers that I blogged about here.
I changed it up a bit to make to thumb hole a little bit less...awkward looking, and then changed the bind off to make them more uniform and stretchy.
I knitted them on my KK flower loom, I knitted 6 rows in e-wrap, then the loop on peg 6 was moved to peg 5 and the loop from peg 7 was moved to peg 8, wrap again and knit off, moving both bottom loops from pegs 5 and 8. Make sure that you wrapp all the pegs, this is a double yarn over (kinda...I think)
Continue e-wrapping for another 19 rows. Then do a stretchy bind off.
SUPER-STRETCHY BIND-OFF found at (thanks Meilynne)
This is great for those magic or three-way scarves. There's no need to knit the last row loosely.
Cut yarn, leaving enough tail to wrap around the loom 4
times, then thread the tail through a tapestry needle.
The yarn tail should be at the last peg, so bring the tail
past the 1st peg, and sew UP through the 2nd peg, then DOWN
through the 1st peg. Sew UP through the 3rd peg, then DOWN
through the 2nd peg. Sew UP through the 4th peg, then DOWN
through the 3rd peg. Sew UP through the 5 peg, then DOWN
through the 4th....
Follow this sequence, pulling the yarn snug as you sew,
keeping the needle in front of the previous UP strand and you sew DOWN
through the loops. The last sequence will be UP through the 1st peg,
then DOWN through the last. You will make the equivalent of
little cursive E's all around the loom. Now pop everything off your loom,
and voila - stretchy bind-off.
This is also useful for flat pieces. Cut tail, leaving
enough yarn for 4 times the width of the active pegs.
The peg with the yarn tail is #1, its neighbor is #2,
the next is #3, etc.
Sew UP through #2, then DOWN through #1.
Sew UP through #3, then DOWN through #2.
Sew UP through #4, then DOWN through #3, etc.
The last stitch will be UP through the last peg,
DOWN through the 2nd to last peg, then UP through the last peg once more.
Thanks, hope you enjoy!
My first baby blanket
My little sister was only 16 when she had her baby girl. Finances were not exactly stable, so rather than her spending money on things like coats and baby blanket, I wanted here to have plenty of hand crafted items so she could spend her money on things like formula, and diapers.
I started this project 3 months before the baby was born, and lost the project 1 panel in (I was moving) 2 weeks after the babies due date, I found it again (notice I said due date???). I told my mom that I would work her furniture store while she helped my little sister finish setting up the nursery/ her room. In less than 3 days, I finished the blanket. The baby was born the next morning. Baby Brooklin Nichole. April 4, 2008.
Shadow's (that's the mom) favorite colors were Pink and Purple, and I found a great Variegated Red Heart super Saver that worked perfect when doubled with RH Super Saver White. Alvin, yes like the chipmunk, ( That's the highly un-liked Daddy) liked Blues and greens, so i found another great RedHeart Super Saver Variegated and paired that with the white from the pinks and purples.
The blanket was made up with 3 panels of alternating colors.
All panels were knitted on the Purple rectangle loom by Knifty knitter.
I guessed on the length of each panel, I knitted (zig-zag or figure 8 stitch) a few inches in the first color and white until the panel started to set into it's correct width (after it starts to slacken from being stretched between the pegs) and measured how wide it was, then I knitted until it was as long in that color as the panel was wide, counted the rows (this is your base row count) every other section of color will be this many rows.
Switch to the other color and white, keeping the white uncut. knit the number of rows you determined from 1st section, and switch back to the first color. Knit the number of rows you have worked out. Bind off with your preferred bind off method.
This is 1 panel. You will make another just like this.
The 3rd panel will be made the same way, but switching the colors, so that you secondary color and white will be the first and last square of color.
When all the panels are complete, you will line up the stitches and stitch them together, I used whip stitch on the blanket shown above, but in the future I would use mattress or blanket stitch to avoid the bulkiness on the back.
I accented this blanket at each of the meeting corners in the middle of color with a daisy made on the KK Flower loom. Each flower had a pearl center, do not use beads that are glued in or just sewn in if this blanket will be used as a regular child's blanket. Shadow used this one to shade baby in her swing, so baby Brooklin never actually touched this blanket until she was almost 2 years old. By which time the pearls had fallen off in the wash or in the nursery closet. My next blanket, I might use large festive buttons, or leave it without centers, just have the flowers.
Additional ideas!
If you want to make the blanket for use in a car-seat, leave a section about 6 inch wide un-sewn int he middle of one of the panels as you sew them together. this gives adequate room to buckle a seat-belt through the blanket without pulling the warmth off of the babies feet.
Reversible Beenies!
The pattern is as follows:
Two colored hat:
Using yellow round loom for large, green round loom for medium, or red round loom for small/child's, start with two strands of color A, e-wrap loom twice, and knit one over 1.
For Large hat: Knit 35 rows, and change to color B, knit 35 rows of color B.
For Medium hat: Knit 28 rows of color A and 28 rows of color B.
For Small hat: Knit 20 rows of color A and 20 rows of color B.
Pull end up as if making brim on regular hat, knit brim as usual and take off by gathered method. You can choose to embellish with button, flower, pom-poms, or whatever else your heart can fathom. Or you could leave it plain.
Three colored hat (main color A with brim of C outside, Main color B with brim of C inside):
Using yellow round loom for large, green round loom for medium, or red round loom for small/child's, start with two strands of color A, e-wrap loom twice, and knit one over 1.
Large hat: Knit 24 rows of color A, 20 rows of color C, and 24 rows of B.
Medium hat: Knit 20 rows of color A, 16 rows of color C, and 20 rows of Color B
Small (child's) hat: 15 rows of color A, 11 rows of Color C and 15 rows of color B
Pull end up as if making brim on regular hat, knit brim as usual and take off by gathered method. You can choose to embellish with button,flower, pom-poms, or whatever else your heart can fathom. Or you could leave it plain.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Alice Cullen Wrist Warmer Loom-Along

Alright, so if anyone knows me, they know I am a die-hard Twilight fan, the books are amazing and the new movie is great (Not going to give any spoilers for those of you who have not seen it). My husband took me out on a great date to the 12:06 showing at our local theater.
There is one character, Alice, that embodies good fashion sense. Her wardrobe must be millions of dollars...but with an uncanny ability to predict trends in the stock market...that isn't really an issue. But not all of her clothes are designer and spendy. She wears this great pair of blue toned wrist warmers with a white long sleeve shirt under a blue jacket. It looks great and just pushes that cozy fashonista thing she seems to be able to pull off so well.
Check out this great Loom-A-Long on
These great wrist warmers are easily made with the flower loom, if you need to size up and use the KK 24 peg loom, the process is the same, just more pegs.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Inspiration interupted...
I am stuck in my Financial Accounting class...
6 miles away from my craft room...
Unable to knit...though my knitting is sitting in my backpack...6 inches away.
Wish me luck to keep my focus when class is out.
Peace Out!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Christmas List slowly deminishes
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
More wonderful fiber!!!
Wouldn't it make such a wonderful and warm hat for the season?

Have a GREAT Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Christmas List
Homework, and knitting.
40 Hot Cocoa pounches. These will be 6-8 in drawstring pouches filled with:
*a plain black, white, blue or green coffee mug,
*3 packs of hot cocoa
*2-3 candy canes in peppermint
*5-6 caramel squares
*2 chocolate bars
*3 cinnamon sticks
Scarves for 9 people - 2 finished
Scarf-lets for 1-2 people
Hats for 7
2 wine bottle cozies
Wish me luck. less than a month for all of this.
I'll post pics as they get finished.
Newest give away!
Woolie Bullie is giving away a seasonal handdyed "Plum Pudding" silk hankie

All you gotta do is check out the Etsy store of the company giving away, in this case, check out Woolie Bullie and then return to Phat Fiber and leave a comment on your favorite piece of work in the Woolie Bullie shop.
I fell IN LOVE with the ELEMENTAL Silk Sliver PHAT FIBER September FEATURE LUXURIOUS Fine Quality Hand Painted Mulberry Top for Handspinning 2 ounces. Found at Wooli Bullie's store

Seriously, go over and check it out!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Impatience and New Crafts...
Here is "The Little Joe" He will be renamed...too many folks I don't like in the area named Joe...
Hehe, I can't WAIT until it arrives!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
another great givaway!!!
I found this dreamy Silky purple Merino, and silk blend on the etsy store, and fell in love!!!

Again, from the sponsorship of Phatfibers and counting sheep farm, we have the chance to get some great project pieces for our addiction, check them out to see all of their products!
Also, has all of the entry information for your chance to win!
Knit it up tag givaway!
So please check it out... you won't regret it...
PhatFiber's Knit it up giveaway!
again, even if you do not participate in the contest, at least check out the fibers on this etsy store and the blog site.
Have a good day!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
WIP's and UFO's
Now these colors go together wonderfully, but I didn't want to work with even stripes (normally this would bug the crap out of me) but I wanted to push my own limits, and make this artwork a little more...abstract so to speak.
I found online in my searches and travels this wonderful website by Biscuits and Jam. This site generates a random stripe pattern. It allows you to choose your colors, the number of rows you want, and the width variances of each color you'd like to allow, then gives you a row count of each color and a visual of how the pattern will look. If you don't like the first generation of stripes, just refresh your page.
I'll post pics of my first panel when I finish it, I plan on making it about 4.5 feet wide, and making 5-6 panels. I will have to buy more yarn. Michaels in the local area has a sale running right now on Homespun, and in fact all Lion Brand yarns.
Another work in progress has been frogged, in sacrifice for the blanket. My mom's slipper socks have been exchanged for a homemade dinner. I will be making her slipper socks for Christmas, and think I may make them from Lion Brand Yarn's Hometown USA in Red or Blue. This is a super bulky yarn that is SUPER warm.My husband works in a bar with a back deck, and as he is often on the back deck at closing (Last call is 2:00 am) I made him a scarf out of this yarn. Now, while he found out he can not wear this scarf at work (too easy to grab onto in a fight) he finds that it is sometimes too warm to wear even off the clock (He will not be saying that when the real winter hits).
In other crafts, I received a suggestion, perhaps even a request for some lobster claw clasp stitch holders for use with crochet, and so my journey begins to find that box of clasps I had before I into the garage I shall go! Talk to you all later, and thank you for reading my blog, I appreciate it very much.
Days of Wonder
The song is about a father who lost his son very early in the Iraq war. He still dreams about his son as a young boy, and is proud of his service to his country. The songwriter, Michael Smith, wrote the song the day of the Virginia Tech massacre. He loves his country, but isn't happy with what's going on at the moment. Enjoy...(quoted from Wunsapona Time: )
This video was produced by Amy Manhart's husband and can be found here
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
more stitch markers
I have here another 11 sets with more on the way. I splurged last week and bought 1.5 pounds of new beads...I know bad me, I should be buying yarn...but this still has much to do with knitting.
The set above is called "Garden Leaves" and is made from naturally shaped glass accent beads, and reclaimed glass leaf shaped beads, and is secured with crimp beads. They are strung on beading cord, and can be used on any looms, or needles up to...well, I'm not sure what gague, but larger than 13's I know (KK Looms are 13 gauge).
This set is called "Garden Ladies" and is accented with little lady bug charms at the end of each marker. You will notice that many of these marker sets have one that is different from the rest, this is a marker designs to mark the beginning of a row, as opposed to the beginning of a pattern stitch set or other uses.
A tutorial will follow shortly (With pictures)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Knitting jewelry... No not Jewelry that is knit, but jewelry for your knitting!
I have been struck with the inspiration to make stitch markers...lots and lots of stitch markers! Check them out. I will be selling them (When I get my etsy store up and running) in sets of 5 for $3.00. I have sold these sets of 5 for $5.00 at local markets and to LYS's for their stitch marker selections, so my Etsy store is the way to go. Check it out!

New projects on the horizon...
Now, lets get a sense of who I am crafting for. My dear mum is a very hard working woman. She owns a furniture and antique store in a small farm town in Central Oregon. She lives in a small home with a wood stove, and no electric or propane heat. If you know anything about Oregon winters, you'll know they are erratically random. One winter, you will see inversions where the temperature on the mountain is higher than down in town, and others where you only get 3 or 4 snowfalls the entire winter.
Likewise, if you have ever had a severe injury, or surgery on a joint or major limb, you will know that cold weather is not the greatest thing for the pain. My mom has had more than a dozen knee surgeries, and coming up on half a dozen foot surgeries. Last winter, temps fell below 5* F at night, and only rose as high as 30*F on some days. At the time, My husband and I were living with my mom on her property in a 5th wheel camp trailer. I understand only a fraction of how the temps can effect previous injuries (having only had 1 surgery and none of my sprains, breaks, or fractures can even compare to hers).
I have started my loom knit tube socks on the Knifty Knitter Blue 24 peg loom with double strand of Lion Brand Homespun yarn in Lagoon and Waterfall.
So...with the pattern, here we go!
Cast on with what you feel comfortable with, I have chosen the e-wrap cast on.
Row 1-10: E-wrap around
Row 11: Bring bottom loops up (As if making a brim) and knit over
Row 12-35: e-wrap
Row 36: bind off with gathered cast-off method, if you choose (too lessen the bulk at the toes) move every other loop to its neighboring peg and knit off before gathering.
This is made much like a very TALL hat.
Pictures will be posted as soon as I finish them...but I keep getting distracted, good thing I have 2 of that size loom, right?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Insomniac creations attack
Planned project: Loom knitted angel with wire beaded halo, and ribbon wings.
My husband just pointed out that I kinda have to start the knitting part of it to finish the angel, blogging won't get her done. So, off to knit!
KK Flower loom (with pegs firmly in place)
Knitting hook of your choice
Homespun in Waterfall (or color of your choice)
1/2 to 3/4 in false pearls
wire earring hoops
white or silver small gauge beads
silver, white, or light blue transparent wired ribbon
small amount of polyfil or other stuffing of choice
small amount of fishing line
small amount of contrasting ribbon or yarn to accent the angel
small amount of sewing thread or beading string and small needle
hot glue and glue gun
tapestry needle
a glass of wine (or preferred crafting drink)
Some music, or TV or company to keep your mind working.
Currently drinking I am drinking hot tea, listening to husband writing a book and rats try to become acrobats.
1. Using 2 strands as 1 throughout, e-wrap cast on all pegs.
2. E-wrap knit for 3 inches.
3. When you reach 3 inches, weave the small length of ribbon or yarn through her stitches (the rows of stitches, the vertical ones)weave around twice so that there is no row without ribbon on the outside. DO NOT tie this off yet, just leave it be.
4. E-wrap another 1.5 in. of knit
5. Bind of with the gather method. Pull yarn inside and weave in ends.
6. Turn up-side-down, and push a small amount of the filling into the top, cinch up the ribbon so that it is tight and tie a decorative bow, or leave hanging down the back.
7. Now, set your angel body aside. Grab up your earring hoops and white or silver beads. Put as many beads onto the hoop as you can while still being able to clamp them closed.
8. Grab up your wired ribbon. Cut about 12-15 in of ribbon (yes you will need this much).
9. Fold both ends into the center, running stitch this connection point to the center of the ribbon.
10. Cinch up the wings and sew them to the back of your angel.
Intermission, just making sure we are on the same page, if your angel has a hard time standing, pull at her skirt a bit to bell out the shape, it will begin to curl up naturally.
Are we good? Great…
11. Using your hot glue, glue a pearl onto the top of your angel body.
12. Glue on the halo behind the head and clean up your glue strings
If you choose to keep her as a table decoration, leave her as she is, if you want her as an ornament; tie a length of fishing line or beading string just above the wings. You could even glue her skirt to a small round mirror to give her a firmer base to stand on.
Hope you enjoy!
This is my own design and is not to be used for sale. You may use this pattern for your own use in teaching or decorating and for church events and charity.
Oh, and please leave comments, I'd love to hear what you think.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A honeycomb scarflet for Missy's best friend, I told her mother that I would make her a Christmas gift in Missy's stead.
A tattoo design in Missy's memorial...
I will post updates as they come. Thanks for check out the blog.
Oh....and here is a hat I made a few weeks ago, now I gotta remember how i made it so I can post a pattern. Add that to the list.