So this is my 3rd attempt at keeping an organized blog. Yes I still have Heartstringarts.webs.com, and I still have my myspace blog, but I was going all sorts of directions with those...! AHHH!
Chaos does not live long in my world...or so I'd like to think.
So here we have it, In-skein, for all things loomy...
That's right, in this blog, I am staying strictly to loom knitting, and this related to said loom knitting.
You may even find some free patterns, or at least guidance towards making some of the things I make. I rarely follow patterns, I like to design my own things, I just find inspiration from others.
So, a little about me...I am a 20 year old college student, wife, daughter, and sister. I have a love for family that is untouched by the stresses of life.
My husband is the most supportive of my crafts, because he gets warm blankets and hats for our other hobby airsoft.
We have 2 dogs, and a cat. We also have 1 roommate. His name is Tom. Our Dogs are Lola, a Cocker Spaniel/Jack Russel Terrier/Black Lab/ Border Collie mix, and Tank, a German Shepard/Chocolate Lab/ Sheltie/ Husky mix. Our cat, Myrra, is a Maine Coon, with an attitude problem. In her opinion, she is the queen, and nothing I say or do will change that. The dogs are NOT allowed in her section of the house, and she makes sure of that. Last night... we had to shave her back end due to matting. (Poor angry kitty had lots of milk after that ordeal).
My Mom runs a furniture business, and taught me everything I know about running a local business. It is because of her that I am in school for an Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration with a specialty in Accounting and Marketing.
My Dad works with my mom repairing furniture before she sells it. He also works fixing up cars, and re-selling them to people who have lost their own.
I have 4 sisters. 3 of them half sisters, and 1 by adoption. I love them all the same, with every ounce I can.
Missy, 14, and battling brain cancer. She was diagnosed when she was 11, was told she would not make it to her 12th birthday. She fought it into remission, but it came back a few weeks ago. I do not know how long we have with her, so I am making sure to do as much for her as I can. She asked a few years back, that I teach her to knit. I never had the time or she was always to tired after treatments, so I promised her that if I couldn't teach her, I'd make a ton of hats, and donate them in her name to the hospital that treated her. I am working on this project now.
Shadow, 18, is the proud mother of an adorable almost 2 year old little girl. This little one is one of the greatest inspirations for my knitting because when Shadow found out she was pregnant, she was 16, and didn't have a job, or much support from home. I knitting baby Brooklin's first blanket, bib, mittens, and shoes. I made diaper baskets, and a diaper bag, and even helped to get her baby shower set up. Even in the face of adversity, Shadow has shown herself to be a wonderful mom, she graduated when Brooklin was a few months old, and got a full time job (which is more than I can say for her Daddy). When Brooklin is old enough to go back to school, so will Shadow.
Jessika, 21, is a newlywed with 2 adorable little ones. Recently married, she inherited a step-son. Now her household is full, with her, her husband, Kaydence (almost 5) and Noah (age unknown, the wedding was the 1st time meeting Noah). I was not made aware that I had been adopted until I was 18, I didn't know I had another sister until my 18th birthday, this is when I found out about Jessika. I met her for the 1st time shortly before my 19th birthday.
Shelly, 37, is my sister by adoption. She has fought through 2 marriages, had 2 kids, inherited 3 more, lost them to divorce, and had to do all this while fighting chronic migraines and fibromialgia. Jaidon, 18 is her son, and Kristina, 14 is her daughter. Lately, Shelly and I have not been getting along very well, she is very infatuated with her boyfriend to care much about anyone else. She doesn't understand me, or my goals, thinking that by opening my own store, I want to be just like Mom. Struggling to make ends meet, and working my hands to the bone, but what she doesn't get is that I am looking at Mom's mistakes and using them as lessons, I am learning from her, and taking my own business in a different direction. Instead of a furniture and antique store, I am working on a craft shop and classroom. teaching others, and working with charity groups are important to me.
I also, have a 14 year old brother I have only met 1 time, that was at Jessika's wedding. his name is Austin, that is really all I know about him.
My husband's name is David, he is 22. He is a former Navy Sailor. He is a supportive and confused individual. His head is on right, and he has for himself goals. We are working towards our goals together. He is planning on becoming a Law Enforcement Officer with the Lincoln County Sheriffs Department in a couple of years. He is heading to school in January.
As for my craft, I have been loom knitting for about 4 years. I picked up a set of looms (Knifty Knitters) for a friends baby-shower, never got around to finishing the project, and lost them. Then, when Shadow got pregnant, I dug them up again, and started looming away. after 3 months of knitting for a while, and loosing them, and re-finding them and knitting some more, I finally managed to finish her blanket. I will post pictures of that first project as soon as I get them off the hubby's desktop. It was a 3 panel blanket double knit on the purple rectangle loom. Double strands of white RH Super Saver and purple/pink variegated RH Super Saver, and RH white and RH blue/green variegated yarns. It looked similar to a checker board pattern. 9 squares, switching from panel 1 in pink-green-pink, to panel 2 of green-pink-green to a last panel of pink-green-pink. it was embelished with daisies made on the salmon colored flower loom and ribbon edges. Since Brooklin's blanket, I have made several other blankets, scarves, coats, shawls, shrugs, hats, and purses. I am starting a teddy bear in a little while. as I complete projects from here on out, I will post them. With the projects I can, I will post patterns.
I hope you enjoy, and please leave feedback and ask questions. Communication is the only way I will know any of my readers.